one day, julien bitoun called us because his bitoun fuzz didn’t work! well… we investigated that issue of course. when we opened the pedal, we discovered that all the trimpots were close to 11. in fact this mysterious and illogical setting astonished us! the sound had no sustain, it sounded like the cry of a bear, re-masterized by a germanium fuzz. we’ve corrected the noise issue and found interesting to release a new version with this sound. this time it is possible to dial with the fuzz knobs because the bias delicately embrasse all the noise glitch and smooth the final sound rendering. so you can push both of them to the maximum and keep control over your tone. as the sound is really special and different, we decided to launch a small run of this pedal (50 pieces for world only). and let our big fans the opportunity to discover it in exclusivity !
All Anasounds Pedals