Benson Amps

Deep Sea Diver Fuzz Echo



“When Benson first asked me what I wanted out of a pedal, I asked if he could smash together my favorite fuzz tones and vintage echos. One of my favorite pedal configurations has always been running my echos & delays before my dirt pedals to get unorthodox sounds. So, we started there and it morphed into a pedal than became bigger and wider than what we initially had imagined. To call this simply a ‘gated fuzz pedal with an echo feature’ would be an injustice to its essence! Beyond the splatty gated sounds, I wanted a fuzz that could get wooly and straight forward, or shake hands with my favorite gauzy My Bloody Valentine textures. I wanted it to clean up nice and work as a treble booster for my guitar solos, or sound like a foreign landscape of oscillation and interrupting textures. Simply put, it has become the most interesting and versatile pedal on my board.”

Technical data

4.72 in
3.82 in
3.15 in
Circuit type