The Costalab Sun Drive is a pedal inspired by the classic Big Muff. Its circuit is based on the four standard gain stages, two of which house the silicon clipping circuits giving you a very vintage sound. The sound it produces is massive, full of harmonics and mids that easily cut through the mix. It is also able to produce very powerful low frequencies, accurate and more clearly focused at the same time. The result is an aggressive sound and rich, but stable and you can’t lose your control of it. Despite the conside- rable levels of gain you can get with the Costalab Sun Drive, the pedal remains silent due to the many excellent solutions made to the circuit and the selected components. The tone control is achieved with the classic subtraction circuit. When the knob is at maximum, the circuit lets out all frequen- cies, but we need to adjust it with the gain level. Indeed, the amount of produced harmonics is directly proportional to the sustain, so the tone should be used with care in regard of that.