DECIBELICS GOLDEN HORSE PROFESSIONAL OVERDRIVE – MINI KLON CENTAUR ACCURATE CLONE “It just don’t “simulate” the Klon Centaur tone as other clones do, it sounds and feels as if it was an original unit” – Matt, Klon Collector “Definitely the best Klone ever made. I’m absolutely impressed” – Bill U., Tone Chaser Decibelics Golden Horse Professional Overdrive is the result of all my experience studying and building Klon Centaur clones squeezed into a mini enclosure. Handmade from thru-hole and New Old Stock components and same values as the original. No SMD or approximated values – My goal was to give Tone and Mojo in a mini footprint. You are not buying a mass-produced and lifeless pedal here. The Decibelics Golden Horse is the only klone in the market, that is A/B tested against a real gold Centaur prior to be shipped to you.
Demo by Alberto Barrero (EN)
Demo by Joe Perkins (EN)
All Decibelics Pedals