The Delta-Trem™ authentically recreates the alluring, hypnotic tone and feel of vintage guitar amp tremolo in S-T-E-R-E-O! This is accomplished using vacuum tubes and an archaic, long forgotten electronic component known as a ‘Raysistor’, essentially a tiny filament lamp and photocell housed together in a small metal can. The combination of Raysistor and all-tube circuitry tube creates an exceptionally smooth, rich and musical tremolo effect that blends well with clean and overdriven guitar sounds. The true stereo signal path allows the Delta-Trem to operate as a mono tremolo with a single guitar amp or into two amps, where the sound ping-pongs between them creating a huge, 3-D, spacious tone.
Demo by DMTR Pedal Shop (EN)
Demo by Mike Hermans (EN)