


True Bypass: The mechanical relay system ensures your signal remains untouched between the jacks, even with no power to the pedal. Deep in the forests of the Pacific Northwest dwell the Fuzz Imps, a rare species of wild mythical creatures. These unassuming fuzzy friends transform into roaring and raging beasts when stepped on, their echoes reverberating throughout the land. The 5 controls are highly interactive, allowing you to shape the tonality and feel of the pedal, ranging from noise to tame. Squish and Gate: These bias controls act as independent noise gates for the various transistors in the circuit. Dialing in the sweet spots (try turning them up towards 9 o’clock) offers tight precision with no noise between riffs. For a wilder side, turn them to the left, engaging high gain for wild oscillations and crushing sonic destruction. Clang: This is the gain control for the in-line overdrive/fuzz circuit, kicking in around 9 o’clock. When cranked, it enhances low notes, causing the fuzz to bloom and compress. Be cautious, as setting it to zero will mute the input, but it serves as a great tool for oscillations. Fuzz: This gain control adjusts the second fuzz circuit and sounds great at every level, from 0 to max, depending on the Squish and Gate settings.



Official Product Video (EN)

Demo by 6StringStanger (EN)

Technical data

2.36 in
3.98 in
2.50 in
Circuit type