Holy Island Audio

Angel Teeth



Based on the classic DOD 250 circuit. The Angel Teeth takes that circuit and transforms it into an angry, clangy weirdo. The idea for pedal was to have the option for traditional overdrive at the same time as having aggressive, chaotic and unique flavours of drive available at the flick of a switch. The Angel Teeth really earns its place on your pedalboard with its sheer versatility. I opted for a primarily switch based tweaking system as I find it a really satisfying way to manipulate the core tonality of a pedal. It's tuned to work well with drop tuned guitars/bass and incorporates a switchable octave up + additional gain stage. This pedal will provide a simple clean boost, low gain settings have almost a broken tape machine like quality that can be pushed into thunderous overdrive as you crank that gain knob. The octave up sections gives you awkward glitchy velcro fuzz all the way through to blown out clangy explosive noise that will help you find some truly unique sounds that you can use to carve out your own individual sound and find a niche in an otherwise boring and repetitive landscape of Tubescreamer style drive pedals. This pedal stacks really nicely with other overdrives, especially running into a tube amp on the edge of breakup. This pedal will push your setup into new, crushingly heavy sonic territory and help you truly bear your ( Angel ) Teeth.



Demo by Pedals and Tea (EN)

Demo by НОЙЗ (EN)

Technical data

2.36 in
4.37 in
2.01 in
Circuit type
9V DC, center negative