Teeth was a necessary evolution. 'Straight into amp' clean was always dull, especially at volumes correct for small stages, or late night recordings. Overdrives added too much crunch, even at the lowest settings. Teeth is the solution to the conundrum. It is a low gain pre-amp / overdrive with a blend between completely clean and slight grit. Use it as an 'always on' to brighten up old pickups or kick some colour into your signal chain or as a standalone overdrive - up to you. Teeth has two sides, a very transparent dry side and an 'edge of breakup' wet side. These are mixed by the Saturation knob, with full left being clean, and full right being almost only overdrive with a hint of clean. Saturation is also a gain control; as you move to the right, it increases the gain at the same time as changing the blend. The maximum gain is get by the Gain Stage knob, giving you limitless combinations of clean and drive.
Demo by Ponderer Sounds (EN)
Demo by Ambient Endeavors (EN)