The JHS Pedals 3 Series Fuzz is a versatile fuzz box that cleans up well with your guitar's volume knob. The Fuzz is the perfect balance of vintage and modern with soaring sustain and clear articulation. The controls allow you to create a wide variety of sounds via the Bias knob, which gives the Fuzz a more gated sound as you turn it up. Unlike many fuzz pedals, the fuzz knob is usable across 100% of the sweep for many different flavors not typically found in a fuzz, like distortion, and even pushed amp-style overdrive tones. The Fat toggle engages a bass boost for an overall fatter, more powerful sound. Each 3 Series pedal is made by JHS Pedals in Kansas City, MO, using high-quality parts, quality control, and attention to every detail. Each pedal has three simple controls and one toggle that offer a wide range of sounds, perfect for beginners and professionals alike. The JHS Pedals 3 Series will inspire your playing and help you explore new sounds at a totally approachable price point.
JHS Pedals 3 Series Fuzz - Demo Video - Living Room Gear Demos
JHS Pedals 3 Series - Fuzz / Reverb / Delay - Demo / Review Video - 60 Cycle Hum
JHS Pedals 3 Series - Demo / Review Video - Reverb
JHS Pedals 3 Series - Fuzz / Reverb / Delay - Demo / Review Video - Rabea Massaad
JHS Pedals 3 Series - Fuzz / Overdrive / Distortion - Demo / Review Video - R.J. Ronquillo
JHS Pedals 3 Series Fuzz - Demo Video - Dennis Kayzer
JHS Pedals 3 Series - Official Demo Video
JHS Pedals 3 Series - Demo / Review Video - Musiker TV