Bow down before the unholy unity of two behemoths of gain, the collision of dark and light, and the meld of black and white distortion deities - the ANTI WAVE, a full range amp destroyer stacking the two most sought after distortion sounds in an easily operated pedal. The first circuit of the ANTI WAVE is based on that of the famous white face rat - a very versatile but deeply characteristic distortion whose extensive filter has converted many a guitarist. This 'white moon' side is controlled by the Anti Gain knob. The second circuit is based on our favourite version of the black Russian muff - a touch less abrasive than the American twin, but with a remarkable bass response and exceptionally colourful distortion qualities. This is the active 'black moon' circuit of the pedal and can be fine tuned via the Wave Gain knob, but also further manipulated with the on board 'mid scoop' or tone bypass switch (former being controllable via expression pedal, for those who seek adventure).
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