Your Tone Must Flow, so Tame the Terror “The earth, once so tranquil and serene, started to shake more ominously than ever beneath her feet. After centuries of scaring the living daylights out of the ancestors, the monster-of-malice was back. She looked up with an imperious glance and faced her destiny, her irradiant eye focusing unwaveringly on the venerable creature ahead. Suddenly, the earth stood still and there fell a deep silence. She had tamed the beast! She was the long-foreseen saviour, the GUARDIAN of the WURM“ Fusing together the powerful evolution of KMA’s highly regarded WURM Distortion with an intuitive, yet versatile and ultra-fast Noise Gate, GUARDIAN of the WURM is the perfect metal monster. From chugging hard-rock, droning doom metal and grinding Swedish death metal, the beast abides. But through its highly tweakable control set, the pedal can be tamed to provide impeccable clarity to your riffs, making this the definitive dirt pedal for metal, prog-rock, shoegaze, indie and beyond.
Official Product Video (EN)
Demo by Trey Xavier (EN)
All KMA Machines Pedals