The Keeley Loomer is a Wall-Of-Fuzz drenched in a Wash-Of-Reverb. A stoned, morning floaty, messed up, thrill machine is what it is. Washes of reverb in new ways you’ve not heard in a stomp box before and a fuzz that’s like a cigarette burn on your forearm. It rages. Featuring three fixed EQ settings the Loomer’s biting Fuzz delivers Flat, a traditionally bass and treble heavy Scoop or a darker Full sound with more mid and bass.Keeley’s new reverbs in the Loomer are born of a Shoegaze dream. Hall is a super long ambient wash with the ability to add octave regeneration in the feedback loop. More than shimmer it’s more like ascension shimmer. Reverse sets different delay times with the Decay control which gives you rhythmic reverse based on the Yamaha SPX90 and the Alesis Midiverb II. It is not a true reversed reverb as it reads through a delay line at various points in the delay while increasing in volume. The Decay control lets you choose between 8 different “decay” times ranging from 150 to 500 ms allowing you to set all kinds of delay times in which the notes come back at you. This is where it gets really cool. The vibrato in this mode is envelope controlled. The range runs from 0 to 50 ms of time shift. Tone control is loosely based on the Jazzmaster rhythm tone control with a low pass filter centered at 156.6 Hz Strum hard at it pitch bends like you are playing the trem bar on a Jazzmaster or Jaguar! Combine the two for an unreal dual-guitar player effect! The Focus Reverb features a dense reverb with two delays in parallel (one set for 250ms, the other set for 380ms.). Because all of the reverbs can go All-Wet by means of the Blend Control, the Focus mode is a great approximation of the Yamaha FX500 patch.
Keeley Loomer - Demo Video - ChicagoMusicExchange
Keeley Loomer - Demo Video (Loomer & Filaments) - Rabea Massaad
Keeley Loomer - Official Demo Video
All Keeley Pedals