The Keeley Oxblood Overdrive is Keeley’s response to everyone cloning the “Mythical Beast” pedal. Keeley decided to build an original design. They wanted to build a new circuit that let players blend from perfectly clean to amp-crushing roar. They wanted that impossibly huge and focused midrange that makes any guitar… Strat, Paul, Tele, sound incredible. They knew they could do it their way and offer you more tone. So they designed this pedal over the course of a few days to outdo the old pedal. Robert himself is confident they not only drew blood, they crafted a killer!
Keeley Oxblood Overdrive Demo by EytschPi42
Keeley Electronics Oxblood Performance Demo by Lance Seymour
Keeley Oxblood - Demo by The SuperFunAwesomeHappyTime Pedal Show!
Keeley Oxblood Overdrive Demo by