B.BEAT ALSO PLAYS BACKING TRACKS IN VIDEO SYNCH, HAS A BUILT-IN MIXER, AND MANAGES PLAYLISTS AND SHOWS. B.BEAT reads and plays Music files in WAV, Multitrack Audio, Stems, Midi, Video Mp4, Mov and JPG formats.You can use Backing Tracks starting from Mp3 files to proper Multitrack Audio projects from Daw, up to 16 Mono or 8 Stereo tracks. B.BEAT can store a high number of Backing Tracks. Backing Tracks can be synchronized to a Video (or Images) which will be played to Video Wall from HDMI output. It has a mixer to adjust the various audio tracks, the 6 separate outputs, and the channels that go to headphones, e.g., Click.
Demo by SLATEB0Y (EN)
Official Product Video (EN)