The One Control Anodized Brown Distortion will break through the conventional image associated with distortion pedals and embody a new definition. No matter what type of amp or guitar you use, what matters most in making the best distortion is a distortion pedal that picks up all the subtle movements of the player’s fingers. The distortion pedal also needs sufficient gain, compression and sustain to help a player express their sound freely. By incorporating all these characteristics, the Anodized Brown Distortion is a pedal designed for any player that wants the perfect distortion. Large output tube amps offer high response, flexibility and a sense of compartmentalization. They also feature sharp yet stable attack that is perfect for lead or rhythm. Additionally, the high dynamic range is essential to avoid unnatural distortion. Anodized Brown Distortion attains a wide and high gain range of +26dB to +60dB. With this being said, this dynamic range is rare among distortion pedals. It is safe to say that the dynamic range at the low gain setting, in particular, produces a distortion extremely similar to a tube amps distortion. Even with a high gain setting, expect an immediate response to the most beautiful arpeggios. The ADB works equally well with humbucker, single coil, and active pickups. The heavier the pickup, the heavier the sound. No matter the types of pickups, you can easily control low-mid distortion.
One Control Anodized Brown - Demo Video - Jake Cloudchair
One Control Anodized Brown - Demo / Review Video - ProGuitarShopDemos
One Control Anodized Brown - Demo Video - Mike Hermans
One Control Anodized Brown - Demo Video - Brett Kingman