One Control




A significant part of the British Invasion of the 60's and 70's was not only bands, but equipment - particularly amplifiers. Orange was a company that built an iconic sound and guitar players everywhere were captured by this raw sound that was so different from everything else at this time. Bjorn Juhl has captured this so-called 'crude distortion' in the Fluorescent Orange Amp In A Box (FOAIAB) drive pedal. With 56 dB of gain and a noise level of -80 dB, the FOAIAB is ideal for classic and hard rock and even early metal - all of the distortion, none of the noise. The FOAIAB works best with humbucking pickups as do most distortion pedals, but there is more than enough thick distortion to satisfy the single coil and P-90 users as well. With active pickups you get less of the dynamics, but a more fluent sound. As with all the One Control BJF series pedals, the FOAIAB can be used anywhere in the signal chain, and it's highly recommended to experiment. The stompbox can change the sound of your amp on its own, or it can be used as a pre-amp for other drives, or it can be used in series with any or all of the OC BJF pedals to create a new individual sound of your own.



One Control Fluorescent Orange AIAB - Demo Video - Hans Johansson

One Control Fluorescent Orange AIAB - Demo Video - Sean Gibson

One Control Fluorescent Orange AIAB - Demo Video - Visual Guy

One Control Fluorescent Orange AIAB - Demo Video - Mike Hermans

One Control Fluorescent Orange AIAB - Demo Video - Brett Kingman

One Control Fluorescent Orange AIAB - Demo Video - Jake Cloudchair

Technical data

1.85 in
3.94 in
0 in
Circuit type