One Control

Marigold Orange OverDrive



When selecting among the various few thousand permutations of classic overdrive pedals, it can be overwhelming to select the correct one to suit your needs. For those who are seeking something with a bit more classic 70s rock flavor, the One Control Marigold Orange OverDrive might just be what the doctor ordered. Inspired by the tones that rang out form classic boxes of that era, the Marigold brings a newer taste to the overcrowded overdrive table. For those who are not trying to recreate the classic 'Strat and a TS style overdrive' type sounds, and perhaps use higher output pickups and want less of a midrange haziness, it might be time to get the Marigold Orange OverDrive. The pedal offers a full frequency response with no bass cut - this is the kind of overdrive that enables one to provide a more streamlined distortion to feed an already distorting amp and help focus and tune it effectively to cut through the mix. Less honk, less complicated overtones that rob your sound of power, and the ability to alter the midrange content with a simple 'Flat/Mids' switch. Think classic rock tones with the swagger and the slice to bring your licks out front.



One Control Marigold Orange OverDrive - Demo Video - Visual Guy

One Control Marigold Orange OverDrive - Demo Video - Hans Johansson

One Control Marigold Orange OverDrive - Demo Video - Mike Hermans

Technical data

1.85 in
3.94 in
0 in
Circuit type