Mothership 2 is a velocity-sensitive, pitch-tracking, 3-voice analog synthesizer with oscillator hard sync and pitch modulation via portamento and CV / Expression control. A user-friendly guitar synth with real-time pitch and amplitude tracking, Mothership 2 offers switchable preset tunings and a devastating Sync effect that delivers new modulation effects for guitar, bass and beyond. The dashboard of the Mothership 2 contains five custom-made dual-concentric potentiometers and a pair of toggle switches. The top row of controls provides individual level knobs for VCO (triangle wave) and Square wave voices as well as the original Clean guitar sound and a gut-busting Sub-octave Sine wave voice that can be removed from the main mix bus and sent to its own dedicated bass amplifier when the SUB output jack is used.
Demo by Steve Lawson (EN)
Demo by ChoptonesOfficial (EN)