Red Panda

Context 2



The Red Panda Context 2 is a reverb pedal inspired by 1980’s rack mount reverbs. It has 8 algorithms, including room, hall, cathedral, gated reverb, reverse reverb, plate, spring, and a granular reverb. Version 2 adds stereo input/output, USB MIDI, fully assignable expression pedal, 3 new modes, delay plus reverb in all modes, separate high and low frequency damping controls, modulation, dynamic reverb, and infinite hold. When the shift button is held down, the top row of knobs adjust delay parameters. The low and high damping knobs adjust dynamics for ducking reverb or an expander for more reverb on louder notes, with adjustable threshold and recovery time. Holding down the foot switches gives you two different types of infinite sustain. One preset is available on the left footswitch, 127 via MIDI or the Red Panda Remote 4 footswitch. An optional expression pedal / CV can be assigned to any combination of parameters.




Red Panda Context 2 - Demo Video - MatthewChapmanMusic

Red Panda Context 2 - Demo Video - Elliot Knapp

Red Panda Context 2 - Official Demo Video

FAVES: 3 Modulated Stereo Reverbs I Absolutely LOVE! (In Stereo - Use Headphones) - The Pedal Zone

Red Panda Context 2 - Demo Video - Dennis Kayzer

Red Panda Context 2 - Demo / Review Video - Musiker TV

Red Panda Context 2 - Demo Video - Musiker TV

Technical data

3.03 in
4.72 in
0 in
Circuit type
9V DC, center negative