Particle 2 is a granular delay / pitch shifting pedal. It chops your signal into small grains and then rearranges, shifts, and mangles it, using the techniques of granular synthesis in real time. Results range from radical pitch and delay modulation to shimmering repeats to time stretching, stutter, and glitch sounds. It is a complete redesign of version 1, incorporating many improvements for live use and better sound quality. In the smaller enclosure 127 presets can be stored. Delay time has been extended to 2500 ms, at a higher sampling rate. Tap tempo allows delay time, LFO rate, grain size, and density adjustment with independent note divisions. The expression pedal is assignable to any combination of knobs, and Red Panda's separately available DIY-friendly Remote 4 switch allows foot control while the Particle sits at table height for knob tweaking. The eight modes can be combined to explore more granular synthesis territory, and MIDI (via USB) gives access to additional parameters.
Red Panda Particle 2 - Demo Video - Dennis Kayzer
Red Panda Particle 2 - Demo Video (No Talking) - Guitar Bonedo
3 Killer Stereo Pedals You Need To Hear! - The Pedal Zone
Red Panda Particle 2 - Demo Video (Piano, Synth) - Surkid
Red Panda Particle 2 - Demo Video - Mike Hermans
Red Panda Particle 2 - Demo Video - 60 Cycle Hum
All Red Panda Pedals