Stop tap dancing Controlling your pedals is about to get a whole lot easier! Packed in this small footprint is a controller that can be completely customised to your liking and will let you control your entire pedal board from the one place. Not only can you control your devices via Midi, but also via the 4 TRS Jacks (most commonly used as tap tempo outputs). Whether your pedal accepts a Normally Open tap signal, Normally Closed tap signal, TRS tap configuration, MIDI Clock, or needs a custom Midi Message sent every quarter note, the Quartz can sync them to a specified BPM. It is also a powerful Midi Controller, sending Program Changes, Control Changes, or any other MIDI message you’d like. Not only can it generate these signals, but can it receive MIDI Clock and other Midi Messages, at the same time passing any other incoming messages through. This enables it to fit in with your favourite MIDI Controller. Each preset can send up to 11 custom midi messages, so you aren't stuck with pre-defined MIDI functions set by the manufacturer.
Demo by UnitedJose (ES)
Demo by The Sound Parcel (EN)