Strap in, set your coordinates and propel your sound in to space. Turn on the Quantum Quasar and transmit the swirling fields of energy through your signal chain. The lush watery sounds are still there with the sine and triangle LFO shapes, but the options transverse the customary norms. Other LFOs offer distinguished nuances to unapologetic ‘in your face’ madness. Refined to the essentials, yet deep and rich. Like our other quantum series pedals versatility is maximized from a minimum of controls. The prominent shape control (missing from most other phasers) molds the sweep with six distinctly different functions, expanding your sonic options by cosmic proportions. The speed control ranges from slow and orbital to accelerated quantum vibrations. Regen controls the timbre of the effect ranging from subtle vibe to the edge of oscillation. This all analog VCA based phaser entangles your guitar signal with quantum magic. Designed with both clean and overdriven sounds in mind, the Quantum Quasar stands out, but easily integrates with other effects.