Wren and Cuff always had the idea of creating a fuzz pedal designed for the many distortion loving bass players out there. Some bass players already used the original Pickle Pie because of its reputation as a 'guitar' pedal, that could handle the low frequencies of the bass and give a nice spongy fuzz much better than most pedals of the Muff family, so Wren and Cuff went back to the drawing board and spent months on designing a bass fuzz, based on the DNA of the Pickle Pie. The Pickle Pie B bass fuzz features a FET buffered active clean-boost to avoid 'drop-outs', when you kick on the fuzz when playing live. The FET-hybrid clipping section creates a great sounding fuzz and helps the fuzz to mesh with the clean signal in a natural way, instead of just sitting on top of the dry signal like some fuzzers with clean blends can do. The tone-stack range of the Shape control was specifically adapted for bass with a much less pronounced mid-scoop which helps it to retain presence in a live playing situation. The control range of the Saturation (fuzz) knob makes the Pickle Pie B highly usable at lower gain settings and the pedal can go from a dirty, gritty, slightly over-driven clean-blended bass sound, to fully saturated, watch out for feedback, drop-C meltdown - and everything in-between.
Wren and Cuff Pickle Pie B - Official Demo Video (1/2)
Wren and Cuff Pickle Pie B - Demo Video (2/2) - Bass Weekly!
Wren and Cuff Pickle Pie B - Demo Video (1/2) - Bass Weekly!
Wren and Cuff Pickle Pie B - Official Demo Video (2/2)
Wren and Cuff Pickle Pie B - Demo Video - GuitarChimp