Wren and Cuff

Sonder Special Chorus Tremelo



The "Sonder" is a very special chorus/tremolo pedal. It starts with independent fully analog channels for chorus and tremolo. These channels layer together with endless combinations of chorus with tremolo. Fast chorus, slow tremolo, slow chorus, fast tremolo, medium... well... you get it, the interactive possibilities are endless. The Sonder features an intelligent set of controls that activate a buffered bypass for either chorus or tremolo when the "Depth/Mix" controls are set to 0% (thereby removing them entirely from the signal chain). The Sonder also has a true bypass when the bypass footswitch is pressed and a tap tempo function for the tremolo channel. When activated with taps, the Sonder ignores the "Rate" knob and matches the tempo of the input taps. As soon as the "Rate" control is adjusted, the Sonder returns to manual control. The special has another trick up its sleeve. You can switch between a smooth "sine" wave tremolo or the more choppy "square" wave setting. But where is the switch? Just keep your foot on the Tempo footswitch. The blinking LED will change from BLUE (smooth sine wave, warm, Fender amp style pulsing) to RED (a choppy, harder, more affected square wave tone) to indicate you are now in this mode. To increase the effect a bit, a slight boost circuit has been added to keep your Sonder loud and punchy.

Technical data

4.88 in
3.70 in
0 in
Circuit type
9V DC, center negative