The Wren and Cuff Tri-Pie '70 is a recreation of the 'Triangle Knob' Muff version from around 1970. Compared to modern Muff pedals, the Tri-Pie '70 has less saturation, a bit less mid-scoop, and more snarl combined with a smoothness that sweetens things in a very musical way. The control range is more useful and the pedals responds well to the guitar's volume knob and even gets into the overdrive zone at lower settings. Wren and Cuff blind-tested a plethora of different types and transistor combinations to come up with what they believe to be the sweetest mix of high and lower gain transistors that will yield beautifully rich and complex saturation full of color, bloom and sustain. This great combination of transistors, values and used parts guarantees that each Tri-Pie '70 will be totally consistent (which is a huge problem with the original vintage units) and sound exactly as it should, with the characteristics that they feel produce a glorious sounding Muffer. The Wren and Cuff Tri-Pie '70 is the perfect pedal for musicians that find the current Muffs too harsh and brittle.
Wren and Cuff Tri-Pie '70 - Demo Video - ProGuitarShopDemos
Wren and Cuff Tri-Pie '70 - Demo Video (Bass) - Sinasoid
Wren and Cuff Tri-Pie '70 - Demo Video - Sinasoid
Wren and Cuff Tri-Pie '70 - Demo Video - Delicious Tones
Wren and Cuff Tri-Pie '70 - Demo Video - Twin Town Guitars
Wren and Cuff Tri-Pie '70 - Demo Video - BlackandWhiteBlues