The XVive V21 Echoman, designed by guitar effects guru Howard Davis, is a simplified monaural version of the XVive W3 Memory Delay. It is a state-of-the-art design based on Davis’s highly successful Deluxe Memory Man, acknowledged as among the best - if not the best - analog delay pedals. The pedal features up to 600 ms of delay time with no aliasing distortion. Buffered bypass with a 900K input impedance guarantees no tone sucking (loss of highs) due to pickup loading. The wide bandwidth guarantees a good high frequency response even at long delay settings. The Feedback control allows self-oscillation if desired while Blend control allows adjusting the output from dry signal only to delayed signal only (100 % wet/dry mix). High-tech filtering and noise reduction circuitry guarantee an excellent signal to noise ratio, even at long delay settings.
XVive V21 Echoman - Demo / Review Video - Sean Daniel
XVive V21 Echoman - The Secret To How Analog Delay Pedals Work - Explanation Video - CSGuitars
XVive V21 Echoman - Demo Video - Mike Hermans
XVive V21 Echoman - Demo / Review Video - intheblues
XVive V21 Echoman - Demo / Review Video - VERMILION
XVive V21 Echoman - Official Demo Video
XVive V21 Echoman - Acoustic Guitar Demo / Review Video - Don Alder Acoustic Guitarist
XVive V21 Echoman - Fingerpicking Demo Video - Justin Johnson
All XVive Pedals