The Meris Ottobit Jr. is arcade dreams reborn! It brings an era when silicon defined sonics that were burned in our memory for years back to live and directly to your pedalboard. Angelo of Meris was asked to design a filter to tame the harsher bitcrush settings. And damn, that filter sounds good… almost like an analog synth. There is an infinite amount of cool sounds you can get out of this pedal, so that’s what drove the decision to add MIDI and presets under the hood. To call it a bitcrusher would be an insult. The triggered stutter and pitch/filter/crush sequencers take you to side scrolling, coin collecting maze worlds. Add in a resonant low pass filter that competes with the best analog synths and would make grandpa SID proud. You want games? The Ottobit Jr. will give you games!
Meris Ottobit Jr. - Demo Video - Vintage King
Meris Ottobit Jr. - Demo Video - PedalsAndEffects
Meris Ottobit Jr. - Demo Video - Pedal Empire
Meris Ottobit Jr. - Demo Video - The SuperFunAwesomeHappyTime Pedal Show!