Holy Island Audio

Plague Pit



Plague Pit was born after receiving multiple requests to build a pair of Abracadaver circuits into a single box. Plague Pit expands the regular Abracadaver circuit by taking its internal controls and bringing them to the outside of the pedal. There are independent controls for both Volume and the ‘Clang’ amount of each respective circuit. I have also massively increased the gain of the Abracadaver circuits to drive your amp a little harder (although you can switch back to the regular level of gain via an internal dip switch if you wish.) The two circuits are wired in series from right to left. This means you can either use the circuits independently or stack them for double the fun. Dial back the volume on your guitar for strange clanging sitar impressions before kicking in the second circuit to completely obliterate your amplifier. With the Clang knobs dialed back it spews forth a thick and sludgy fuzz tone perfect for doom. As you crank the Clang knobs the octave up blends into the signal to drag your guitar to the forefront of the mix when playing with a band.



Demo by Tunnel of Reverb (EN)

Official Product Video (EN)

Technical data

4.02 in
5.91 in
3.15 in
Circuit type
9V DC, center negative