Transform your human sound to a superior machine with the JPTR FX RAMROD. A massive sounding dual filter guitar synth that will deconstruct your tone and bring itto challenge phase 1. With built-in gain and adjustable presets for the two individual filter values, the Ramrod delivers mammoth subs and auto wahs like phase shifts that beautifully ramp bass lines and rhythm patterns. Physically manipulating the gate knob to let the Ramrod swirl off into self-oscillation, or tapping on the morph switch for rapid filter jumps turns this pedal to its own purposefully independent instrument. Further dive into its possibilities by adjusting the stab knob to offset the stability parameters, resulting in anything from a set frequency accompanying your original signal at a minimum, and large warbling spikes of your base signal at maximum settings.
Demo by Dan City Hulk (EN)
Demo by Dan City Hulk (EN)
All Jptr Fx Pedals