The Twin Boost is a digital controlled analog booster with multiple features. It offers up to 24dB of clean boost, flat frequency response and a low noise floor at high settings too. The boost amount in dB can be checked and set through the numerical display. The Twin Boost can be operated as simply as a conventional booster pedal by setting the gain through the CONTROL knob or take advantage of its advanced features. It comes with two internal boosting channels which can be set to work in JOINT or SEPARATE mode. When set to JOINT the gain setting will be applied equally to both channels, you can input a stereo signal source and get stereo out from it. In SEPARATE mode you can handle gain of the 2 channels indipendently, so it can be used as a stereo boost with independent boost controls or employ it like you had two booster pedals in your pedal chain placed in different spots.
Official Product Video (EN)
Demo by The Guitar Effect (EN)