The thinking behind the Holy Ghost Fuzz and Boost pedal is simple. Take an already fantastically loud, thick, and brutal fuzz – namely, the Angel of Doom Fuzz pedal – and make it louder with the simple yet mighty Little Horn Boost Pedal. Cram these two giants into one stylishly finished enclosure… and lay waste to stages everywhere. The right side of the pedal contains our Angel of Doom Fuzz pedal. This fuzz circuit is based on an original ’78 IC Muff. We’ve taken this circuit and made a few improvements. We’ve added version 2.0 of our Little Horn Boost pedal to the left side of the Holy Ghost. This means that not only are you getting up to +24dB of clean boost, you’re also getting advanced power filtering, allowing for a much better gain to noise ratio. The boost side follows the fuzz side of the Holy Ghost, which means you can perfect your fuzz tone, and make it several times louder by engaging the boost.